Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To gasp and go rigid with shock when someone unexpectedly hugs you. n. The gasping sound, and associated rigid body reaction, which a person who is "not comfortable with physical intimacy", emits when they are unexpectedly hugged.
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Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: Dis-play-uv-a-flick-shun
Sentence: What was meant to be a display of affection turned into a unfortunate displayofaffliction in a flash. I went to hug my nephew, but he was so uncomfortable that he tried to dodge under my outstretched arms. He ended up with his head lodged in my armpit for a brief but horrific moment. By mutual yet silent consent, we greeted each other with nothing more with a casual wave thereafter.
Etymology: Display of affection altered to incorporate affliction.
great combo - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-07: 09:42:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: we-cudd-ul-eeze
Sentence: She tried not to whecuddleeze when he grabbed her on the trapeze with the greatest of ease.
Etymology: wheeze + cuddle
What a tease! - Nosila, 2010-10-19: 23:46:00
oh please! - remistram, 2010-10-20: 09:33:00
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: sh-awk-word
Sentence: Robin, who never gave hugs or expected them in return, was struck with shockward when Justin, whom she barely knew, gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek!
Etymology: Shock (unexpected, sudden) + awkward (strange or uncomfortable)
Created by: Bughunt
Pronunciation: Gah-hug gahug
Sentence: "Oh, look over there, poor lady, what a gahug.."
Etymology: Gah! -scream or cry Hug -affection
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: snuh-guhlp
Sentence: Mary is not comfortable with hugs. If her husband feels the need, he must give her at least 20 minutes notice for her to prepare. Last week, after she had her hair done, the stylist gave her a big, spontaneous hug. Mary's snuggulp startled the hairdresser so much that she dropped her scissors. So much for that tip...
Etymology: snuggle (to draw or press closely against, as for comfort or from affection) + gulp (to suppress, subdue, or choke back as if by swallowing)
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: An-tie-hug-uh-fow-be-uh
Sentence: Michelle approached Queen Goozie and gently hugged her to comfort her on the way to the Whitehouse...Queen Goozie let out a loud gasp as her entire body went rigid and into an "antihugaphobia" spasm! Queen Goozie was from a royal family, that did not show any type of loving attention such as hugs and it freaked her out! Michelle was so shocked that Queen Goozie had never been hugged or hugged anyone! Michelle felt sorry for Queen Goozie for the fact the Queen was so fearful of such a kind and loving gesture...but,took note that she would curtsy and bow next time in greeting Queen Goozie of the Royal family!
Etymology: Anti;Meaning against,opposite or opposed to. Hug;A hug is a form of physical intimacy that generally involves closing or holding the arms around another person. Aphobia;Added "A" to,Phobia meaning; fear, dread, hatred.
Remind me of "The Prince and The Pauper".....Good one, Prestochango! - metrohumanx, 2009-04-06: 23:15:00
Thanks Metrohumanx! It seems you are one of few that comment...I keep trying :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-07: 05:43:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: shud-ehr-hug
Sentence: Seeing the breach of protocol in the inappropriate touching of a monarch by the new first lady, the Queen and many who saw it experienced a gasping shudderhug in response to such a major no no.
Etymology: Blend of 'shudder' (react with revulsion) and 'hug' (embrace)
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: gahsp-troh-pohd
Sentence: It was a beautiful day. Amelia, a social butterfly, was chairperson of the Friendly Acres Welcoming Committee. Her job was to meet and greet new arrivals to the neighborhood and deliver a basket of household goodies. After knocking several times on the front door of the newly arrived Mollusk family, imagine Amelia's shock when Mrs. Mollusk (whose husband was a snailmail man) inhaled sharply when Amelia extended her hand to introduce herself. She was even more shocked when Mrs. Mollusk instructed the children at her foot to hide. Mrs. Mollusk then slammed the door and quickly retreated into her house. As Amelia walked back down the Mollusks somewhat slimy, but shimmering-in-the-sunshine pathway, she decided the Mollusks must be the gasptropods of the neighborhood.
Etymology: Playing with GASTROPOD, a snail or slug, single-shelled, muscular organ of locomotion
Oh, no! They shunned your friendly graspopaweds! No shellouts in this family! Very unique etymology. - silveryaspen, 2009-04-06: 17:55:00
very clever - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-07: 09:48:00

Today's definition was suggested by abrakadeborah. Thank you abrakadeborah. ~ James
abrakadeborah - 2009-04-06: 07:50:00
Thank you! My former husband's family didn't hug and I hugged his Mother and she let out a loud gasp and went rigid... They all changed and became more loving towards each other, after I married into their family. It changed them forever and they all hug each other now. :) (I hug people I care about and love) Hugs are great! ;)
readerwriter - 2009-04-06: 10:22:00
Sounds like you were on a Mission Accomplished!
Perhaps you should consider a taking a position with the Royal Family -- seems like they need a lot more hugging. ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by abrakadeborah. Thank you abrakadeborah. ~ James