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'If we buy 100 we'll save over $7000!'

DEFINITION: v., To believe you're saving money by buying things which are on sale even if you don't really want or need them. n., A person who believes they are saving their money whenever they buy something on sale.

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Created by: garythesnail

Pronunciation: DEEL-FLAY-ted

Sentence: He dealflated the lady by shoving cheap junk into her arms.

Etymology: deal + deflated

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: BAHR-guhn-chuhmp

Sentence: Alex and his date went bargainchumping for half-price lawn flamingos; despite the fact that Alex lived in an apartment, he hoped to impress the young lady with his financial prowess.

Etymology: bargain-hunt + chump

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: ĭn-věs-dĭ-měn'-shə

Sentence: Aunt Martha spent most of her waking hours watching the Home Shopping Network, in a state of invesdementia, calling in to buy things like gaudy jewelry and shoes, even though she'll never wear them, since she never leaves her apartment. On her fixed income, her practice of 'trickle-away economics' will eventually leave Martha debtstitute.

Etymology: investment "the act of spending or devoting funds for future advantage or benefit" (Latin, investīre) + dementia (Latin, dēmentia "madness")


Aunt Martha is such a 'Super-sHSNopper' that the hostesses all know her voice, and the operators all have shortcuts on their ordering terminals to enter her credit card number. - Tigger, 2007-11-18: 23:44:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Froo-guh-tul

Sentence: In a frugatile attempt to save money Bart and Clara bought many sale items that they had no real use for.

Etymology: Frugal and futile

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: DISS-cown-TWINGE-binge-OH-sis (discountwingebingeite)

Sentence: Trudy and Dave were struggling to furnish their humble lovenest with modest frugality. Although they wanted to be good consumers, they vowed not to use discount coupons and to eschew non-food items whenever possible. Dave wasn't really the neuroticustomer he used to be in his bachelor days, but his latest trip to the store was economicomical....he succumbed to that dreaded dollar-store affliction known as DISCOUNTWINGEBINGEOSIS. To pass up a percieved "DEAL" gave him a sharp pain in his gut, and a gnawing feeling that he'd passed up a great sale. Trudy, however, was less than ecstatic when he returned home with a gross of 5.5" floppy discs and a cubic yard of ossified Ramen noodle soup mixes.

Etymology: DISCOUNT+tWINGE+BINGE+OSIS=........... DISCOUNTWINGEBINGEOSIS.....DISCOUNT:the amount by which something is reduced in cost.....TWINGE:to feel a sudden sharp local pain;Middle English twengen, from Old English twengan; akin to Old High German zwengen to pinch.....BINGE:to engage in impulsive or excessive action;an unrestrained and often excessive indulgence c: an act of excessive or compulsive consumption .....-OSIS:a condition marked by abnormal behavior in one's buying habits.


metrohumanx - metrohumanx, 2008-10-15: 05:53:00

It sounds a painful affliction! - Nosila, 2008-10-15: 20:30:00

metrohumanx Not as painful as it was to string those dumb words together, though. Not one of my best, i'm afraid. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 07:55:00


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Created by: comborracha

Pronunciation: loo-na-thrift

Sentence: A lunathrift doesn't understand that you don't literally save money by buying sale priced crap that you don't need. Piles of cheap junk aren't going to pay for your next vacation.

Etymology: lunatic+thrift[y]

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Created by: LotusB

Pronunciation: Dee-nigh-a-cure-ment

Sentence: Tony is a constant victim of deniacurement - he's always buying things he never needs!

Etymology: Denial (refusal to acknowledge) + Procurement (the purchasing of something) = Deniacurement


metrohumanx VERY clever-please expound on your funny sentences. :) - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 07:54:00


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Created by: jrogan

Pronunciation: spen-da-dik-shun

Sentence: While he was in throws of his spendaddiction, Carlos actually believed that by shopping at the Dollar Store he was investing for his future retirement.

Etymology: spend + addiction

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: dee/loo/shun/al

Sentence: Bart was completely dealusional and continued to stockpile worthless 'bargains'.

Etymology: deal + delusion


Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-16: 18:55:00

It's the real deal, Stevo! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-16: 21:41:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: deel/loo/shun/al

Sentence: Joe became completely dealusional about the value of any item, no matter how obsolete, if it was marked down 70%, or more.

Etymology: DEALUSIONAL - from DEAL (a bargain) + DELUSIONAL (a false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence)


My fave! Gets my vote. :) - lumina, 2008-10-16: 00:56:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-16: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by joelb. Thank you joelb! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2013-01-02: 00:38:00
Today's definition was suggested by joelb. Thank you joelb. ~ James