Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. A pop culture entertainment property, which has transcended itself and become a de facto religion with legions of devotees, prescribed rituals and sacred texts. v. To follow a pop culture icon with unquestioning devotion.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: Ni/lone/er/ism
Sentence: It was loners night and Guy was donning his cleanest nylons. "Nylonerism sure does save a lot of time in the launderette." he thought. Now, where'd I leave my bobble.
Etymology: A polycotton blend of 1. Nylon, synthetic material invented in cities on both sides of the Atlantic. 2. Loner, a guy named Jonny who has no mates, one who spends a lot of time alone, perhaps watching obscure TV shows. 3. ism. A suffix familar to various modern movements.
Are you a Nietzchean Nylonilist? - pungineer, 2008-08-12: 13:56:00
Nine out of ten Nyloners say NanoNano - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-12: 14:09:00
Nine out of ten Nyloners say NanoNano - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-12: 14:16:00
nylon pylon xylon - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:39:00
I came, I saw, I spun yarn. - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-12: 15:08:00
Created by: giveaphuk
Pronunciation: Rat Sma
Etymology: dogma (backwards) = am god ratsma (backwards) - am star
Created by: jadenguy
Pronunciation: hich hi kerz giid to fil o so fy
Sentence: Any time a major geopolitical event horizon approached, the Citadel was abuzz with silly sophists searching for answers in their HG2P. They approached the Vonnegists with an earnest hope creating a new Azimodome.
Etymology: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy + Philosophy.
once again - a great sentence - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-19: 11:53:00
it could have been better, but i was pressed for time with a project here... - jadenguy, 2007-06-19: 12:29:00
And for his next feat, jadenguy went on to prove that black is white and white is black before getting run over at the next zebra crossing. - ErWenn, 2007-06-19: 17:00:00
Having read THHGttG as a kid in the U.S., it took me several years before I realized that a "zebra crossing" was the same thing as a crosswalk. I also thought that Arthur Dent had been forced to wander into the basement of the planning office carrying a fire-burning "torch" as opposed to an electric one (a flashlight). - ErWenn, 2007-06-19: 17:03:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: am erik an eye doll a ter
Sentence: It starts with auditions in several cities each season. The best and the worst are shown and voted through by a panel of esteemed judges to the next tier of competition. Eventually everyone in North America gets hooked and calls to vote for their favorites. Hitherto unknowns are all of a sudden the talk around water coolers each morning and each member of the general public will become an americanidolater. Millions of votes are cast each week until a winner is chosen. Sadly, not that many people vote in elections. Of course if the people running for office were as honest as Simon or as talented as the unknowns on stage, maybe election participation would improve greatly...
Etymology: American Idol (Pop Culture tv series where nobody's can audition their sining talents for judges and win big money & recording contracts and become overnight sensations) & Idolater (a devoted worshipper and admirer of idols)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: cul/tas/ee
Sentence: Jenny and Joe met at an 'X-Men' convention in New York last year. The things they love most about their cultasy are the costumes and the chants recited three times a day in hopes that they will come in contact with the natural earth bound x-rays which will transform them like their heros. One of their favourite cultasy parting statements is: "May all the earthbound X-rays find your path today and lead you to freedom, purity and adventure."
Etymology: CULT (a group, or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, or ideal) + FANTASY (wondrous, or strange fancies; imaginative conceptualizing)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: soup-can-ta-ta
Sentence: Tom Arta, the Soupentologist, was puree of heart and sang with consommate skill when he performed the soupcantata. The whole cangregation were inspired by the word of Warhol and bowled out the church wishing everyone good laksa.
Etymology: Soup can (as in Campbell's) + cantata (musical setting of a religious text)
makes me hungry for lunch -mm mm good - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-19: 11:42:00
Created by: Trystera
Pronunciation: FAN-im-izm
Sentence: Although the show was cancelled before its time, thousands of devoted Fanimists incorporated its ideals into their everyday lives.
Etymology: Fan + Animism - the belief that things have souls. Fans attribute the "spirit" of the show/book/etc to all aspects of life, not merely those things directly related to the entertainment property.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ab ba so loo shun
Sentence: After the competition met their "Waterloo" at Eurovision, ABBA became a cult religion that has lasted over 30 years. Yes, ABBAcadaABBAra! and the faith ABBAsolution was Bjorn, where new followers say "I do, I do, I do, I do, I do", to it everyday. The group's, "I have a Dream" became mantra for others as well. It's "The Name of the Game" that many ordinary people take sABBAticals and ABBAdicate their responsibilities to become "Super Troupers", spending all their "Money, Money, Money" on music, paraphanalia and tickets. (I mean "Does Your Mother Know?") One of the Bennyfits of this faith, is that you can "Take A Chance On Me" and meet some "Fernando" or "Chiquitita" who will say: "Lay All Your Love On Me" and make you a "Dancing Queen" after you belt out that fine old hymm (him?)..."Gimme, Gimme, Gimme A Man After Midnight!" "Knowing Me, Knowing You" it's the best they can do, because they do not believe in ABBAstinence. "Mamma Mia", this ABBAsolution has spread from ABBArdeen to Addis ABBAba to ABBAsynnia and even ABBAtibi, Quebec ("Voulez-Vous?"). The ABBApeal is mAgnethic to devotees Anna-Frieda to join in. Instead of saying say, "Thank You For The Music!" and "SOS"...Save Our Souls, ABBAsolutely!)
Etymology: ABBA - Famous Swedish Foursome (Agnetha,Bjorn,Benny & Anna-Frieda) who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974 and released their first album in 1975 and went on to top the pop charts for years, only to have had recent revivals of new generations of fans since the release of Mamma Mia, the stage and movie musical) & Absolution (forgiveness;formal redemption as a religious act in the sacrament of the penance) & Solution (a set of values;a statement that solves a problem or finds answers)
Wow! VERY thorough, usual, you excel. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 13:07:00
Shake a tea-towel tell me what's wrong and absolution may be hours. - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-12: 17:46:00
You are ABBAsolved of any sins associated with the creation of this word! - readerwriter, 2008-08-13: 04:43:00
Another good word and great story - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:19:00
Another good word and great story - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:19:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: sigh fye doll a tree
Sentence: the sheer vulcanicity of his scifidolatry kept him klinging on to the slightest enterprising young stardate like a windblown roofer hanging tightly to the wainscottying.
Etymology: sci fi, idolatry
You've picard a good theme for your sentence. I nearly Shatner myself chuckling. - petaj, 2007-06-19: 07:18:00
Stellar sentence! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-19: 08:02:00
Love it. - Clayton, 2007-06-19: 12:35:00
was his name Roger Dolatry? - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-19: 14:56:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: pree/dalek/shun
Sentence: The predalektion is a cult made up of crazed Dr Who fans who gather once a week in parking lots and bump into each other while saying over and over in stacatto voices "Exterminate" "Exterminate".
Etymology: predilection (inclination) + dalek (of Dr. Who fame)
Hilarious, Jab! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 13:13:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: trek u men i kal
Sentence: According to the Annual fans of the Star Trek conventions worldwide, Gene Roddenberry's classic Star Trek TV series has evolved into a trekumenical phenomena. There is a King James T. Kirk version of the Bible. People who follow this faith are vulcanized, not cannonized. The Starship Enterprize is a modern day Ark. Anyone from any planet may join this faith...the only qualification is that the believer just took up space in school.
Etymology: Trek (referring of course to Star Trek) and Ecumenical (religion of worldwide scope or applicability; concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions)
Created by: ajcor
Pronunciation: as it sounds
Sentence: Sport is the de facto religion and as such in a human sense supports group worship, shared emotions - the team hug, divided teams, hard seats, the rally call, concentration, attention to detail etc
Etymology: Hugger= Hug: As in what happens to the winning team as they leave the field and Rugger = Rugby/football players: As in the participants of this emotional but manly outburst of euphoria.
Created by: kendriveset
Pronunciation: wer-star-ship
Sentence: Jim really displayed his worstarship when he attended the space convention wearing his best uniform.
Etymology: worship + starship
Created by: ohwtepph
Pronunciation: fah-nah-tee-cult
Sentence: The Spockonian Fanaticult was the new religion rivaling Christianity in 101 G.T. [Geek Times].
Etymology: fan + fanaticism + cult
Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-19: 10:01:00
Created by: pungineer
Pronunciation: Jed/i/fi/cation
Sentence: Mmm mused Mr. Yoda, what with the house prices and all the roomy interstellar 2 craft parking spaces round here, undergoing quite the jedification, this area is.
Etymology: Blend of : jedi (star wars religion)+ gentrification (middle classification of an area)
I was leaning towards the Jedi....good fusion, Punge! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:33:00
excellent - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-12: 15:43:00
Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:14:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: FAD-hal-LOW-ness
Sentence: Bob's fadhallowness change so often that people started describing him, and his ways, as "headfallow."
Etymology: Blend of FAD: craze, trend; HALLOW: holy & -ness: state of. Cognate: Fadhallow, Fadhallower.
trendy bendy mellow fellow? - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:40:00
encompasses everything - very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-12: 15:42:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: pree/dalek/shun
Sentence: The predalektion is a cult made up of crazed Dr Who fans who gather once a week in parking lots and bump into each other while saying over and over in stacatto voices "Exterminate" "Exterminate"
Etymology: predilection (inclination) + dalek (of Dr. Who fame)
deleksellent! - galwaywegian, 2007-06-19: 07:26:00
Great word! - Clayton, 2007-06-19: 07:55:00
Fantastic! - jadenguy, 2007-06-19: 09:10:00
Hah! While watching the episodes of the second season of the new Dr. Who show featuring both the Daleks and the Cybermen, I watched with my fingers crossed, praying for a "DELETE!"-"EXTERMINATE!" shouting match between the two. Once I got my wish, I was happy for a good week. - ErWenn, 2007-06-19: 17:06:00
dalektable even - petaj, 2007-06-19: 23:27:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: vəkanənīzd
Sentence: Most people aren’t quite so obsessive about a TV show as Wendell. He loves every and anything Star Trek. He views it as a religion. With his good acts and pointed ears, he fully expects to be vulcanonized after he dies.
Etymology: Vulcan (a race of beings from Star Trek) + canonized (to be declared a saint by the Catholic church)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: len - un - eyt
Sentence: In 1965, Julia became a Lennonite. She listened to the Beatles endelessly and became so obsessed with John Lennon that she worshipped him as if he were a God.
Etymology: Lennon (John Lennon), Mennonite ( a group of Christian Anabaptist denominations )
Lennonite this is a fab word, I am suprised there wasn't a mass cult dedicated to Lennon anyway. - sanssouci, 2010-01-13: 18:50:00
Imagine... - Nosila, 2010-01-13: 21:21:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: jon-rah-rah-rah
Sentence: Reginald is a major sci fi fan and is always giving the genrerahrah to one or another of the movies and tv shows he follows.
Etymology: Blend of the word 'genre' (n. a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content) and 'rah rah rah' (a rousing cheer)
Created by: jimmmm
Pronunciation: ... as one would guess ...
Sentence: In the early 21st-century, traditional religion was usurped by AmericanIdolatry throughout the United States.
Etymology: combination of American Idol and idolatry
I guess i was wrong...America DOES have talent....on Verbotomy! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:37:00
Created by: Pythias
Pronunciation: the-o-cul-tur-ism
Sentence: Worshipping at the seat of the Holy Portal was often his favoured way of celebrating a new theoculturism.
Etymology: theo- + culture + ism
Created by: Filthy
Sentence: Lloyd should have known that the Toxic Avenger had reached fanchise status when Troma fans errected a statue of Toxie in Lloyd's front yard and began a re-enactment of the final scene to the first film, complete with cascading intestines.
Etymology: There is disagreement on the origins of this word. Basically an altered spelling of 'franchise,' the term 'fanchise' may have it's other roots in either 'fan' (an ardent admirer or enthusiast) or the more extreme 'fanatic' (excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion). Most scholars have settled on the latter, citing the common conflation of religious fervor and fanaticism in American culture.
great etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-12: 15:44:00
Good one! My fave so far! - lumina, 2008-08-12: 16:48:00
Good word, No Other Authors !
Own up! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 22:15:00
Thanks, all! metrohumanx, I'm not sure that I understand your comment. - Filthy, 2008-08-12: 23:37:00
good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 18:25:00
My page comes up with no author for this word...only the message"No other authors in this group" i don't know who wrote it. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-15: 23:56:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: cul/tas/ee
Sentence: Jimmy and Jenny met at a 'X-Men' conference in New York last year. What they love most about their cultasy are the costumes and the chants recited three times a day in hopes that they will come in contact with the natural earth bound x-rays which will transform them like their heros.
Etymology: cult + fantasy
X-cellent! - Nosila, 2010-01-14: 01:56:00
Created by: sanssouci
Pronunciation: ar door brit e
Sentence: The huge modern day cult Ardorbrity has reachead astronomical numbers of devoted followers. The number of official Ardorbritans has hit the 200 million spot this week and is no doubt still rising.
Etymology: Ardor - intense devotion, eagerness, or enthusiasm; zeal: his well-known ardor for Chinese art. Celebrity - a famous or well-known person.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: cul/tas/ee
Sentence: See 'Comments' below - My cultasy requires that I chant each morning and it distracted me and I put my sentence in the 'Comments' box. Please forgive me and may all the earthbound X-rays find your path today and lead you to freedom, purity and adventure.
Etymology: cult + fantasy
Jimmy and Jenny met at a 'X-Men' conference in New York last year. What they love most about their cultasy are the costumes and the chants recited three times a day in hopes that they will come in contact natural earth bound x-rays which will transform them like their heros. - Stevenson0, 2007-06-19: 07:56:00
My cultasy would be travelling in the Tardis. It would be great for holidays and shopping and you'd never have to worry about parking - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-19: 11:26:00
Or making phone calls. - Clayton, 2007-06-19: 12:30:00
You _could_ take the Tardis shopping, though the driver would probably drop you off a few decades either too early or too late. Depending on what you want to buy, this could be a good thing or a bad thing. Showing up 10 years late to buy a Wii: good. Showing up 10 years late to buy a limited-edition Pokemon card: bad. Showing up 100 years early to buy a personal computer: bad. Showing up 100 years early to buy a passenger pigeon: good. - ErWenn, 2007-06-19: 16:57:00
You'd also probably have to save the lives, livelihoods, and/or rights of anyone who didn't die immediately upon your arrival, but that's a small price to pay, isn't it? - ErWenn, 2007-06-19: 16:58:00
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: BEE-burr-LIJ-un
Sentence: Teenage girls make up the majority of those converted to the Bieberligion of a certain young Canadian singer.
Etymology: (Justin) Bieber + religion (belief system)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: hob-uh-nat-ik
Sentence: William is such a hobbanatic that he asks people to call him Bilbo.
Etymology: Hobbit (The Hobbit, is a fantasy novel and children's book by J. R. R. Tolkien) + fanatic (person overenthusiastic about an interest)
Created by: jawjee
Pronunciation: uh MA su kitch
Sentence: The astounding amassaktich surrounding "Q" is frightening in its intensity.
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: war/holey/grayle
Sentence: The quest for the warholygrail causes millions to seek their 15 minutes of fame.
Etymology: Andy Warhol + holy grail
Artsy, arcane and inspired. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 13:18:00
Could spark a holy war. Bananas. - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-12: 17:42:00
So Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup Can could indeed be Can-A-Lot, the new Holy Grail Musical... - Nosila, 2008-08-12: 20:52:00
Congrats: i tried to put Andy in there; but failed! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:16:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˌppjuˈlɑsəs/
Sentence: While numbers are important to a populossus, the presence of too many fans decreases the devotees' sense of community, causing the fad to become absorbed into the much larger popular zeitgeist.
Etymology: from popular + colossus
Created by: Jmakin
Sentence: Her Scifology became an irritant to our relationship.
Etymology: (Science fiction)+ (theology)= Scifology
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: Fe-nom-i-con
Sentence: It is hard to believe that a simple TV show could become a phemonicon for a whole generation.
Etymology: Phenomenon + Icon
I's revolting.
Great word. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:42:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Ha-ree-pot-ee
Sentence: Ever since the first book came out onto the shevles, kids wanted to be just like their hero Harry Potter. This led to parents everywhere having to pretend that their little darlings had turned them into toads and spent half the day hopping around in the crouched position.
Etymology: Potty(extremely enthusiastic about someone or something) See also Harry Potter books /films
You crcked me up again, Tjayzz - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 13:19:00
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-12: 15:42:00
Created by: bigdog
Pronunciation: street'-kreed
Sentence: You can spot the rise of a new streetcreed by watching for new verbs (e.g. to McGyver something - to engineer a solution using improbable though commonly found items) to enter the vernacular.
Etymology: street cred (popular legitimacy) + creed (religion)
I like it. - petaj, 2007-06-19: 23:24:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: zhan - rah - main - ya
Sentence: Webster was absolutely hooked on various forms of Jazz to the point that it had become an obsession bordering on spiritual devotion and he spent most of his waking hours listening to it and searching for more on Youtube.
Etymology: Blend of 'genre' (a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like) and 'mania' (excessive excitement or enthusiasm; craze)
I've seen this before- born-again jazzophiles who then scorn all other genres. Tragic. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 13:11:00
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: fan sih NAY shun
Sentence: Bob developed such a fanscination with Dungeons and Dragons that he changed his name to Dun Jin and used D&D jargon to talk with people he had just met. As in, "Are you lawful evil or chaotic evil? Because you definitely seem evil to me. Not that it's a bad thing...." People he didn't like, he labeled "succubi" and similar terms. His girlfriend broke up with him after she asked him to make love and he responded, "Roll a 20-sider, and 14+ gets the nookie." As she was leaving, he protested, "But you get +2 for experience!"
Etymology: fan + fascination
Created by: Katisms1
Pronunciation: get-a-LIFE-stile
Sentence: Sure the sex was a hoot, but when she cried out in Klingon in the heat of passion, he realized he'd had enough of her freaky überfan getalifestyle.
Etymology: "Get a life!" + lifestyle
Created by: serendipity9000
Pronunciation: vid-scrip-chur
Sentence: The network was coming out with a new sci-fi series - all the bigwigs had their fingers crossed that it was vidscripture in the making.
Etymology: vid (for video) + scripture (as in the sacred writings of a religion); also a play on the fact that TV series (or movies) are based on scripts
This is probably the only word suggested today that applies to the actual definition, referring to the entertainment property itself, as opposed to the cult following it inspires. - ErWenn, 2007-06-19: 17:10:00
Thanks! - serendipity9000, 2007-06-19: 18:07:00
I thought my soup can was a property of pop art. - petaj, 2007-06-19: 23:25:00
In the theatrical sense of property (props) - petaj, 2007-06-19: 23:28:00
Created by: cococo
Pronunciation: ner - gee - kism
Sentence: They worship linux and hate windows, they suffer of Nergikismn
Etymology: nerd + geek
Created by: Clayton
Pronunciation: fi-nom-uh-NEY-shuhn
Sentence: Fans of science fiction may be divided into countless phenominations. Of these, Trekkies may be divided into several hundred thousand subphenominations. Thus concludes my example paragraph.
Etymology: phenomenon + denomination
This may be Number One! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-19: 08:31:00
Make it so! - jadenguy, 2007-06-19: 09:04:00
great word - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-19: 11:32:00
Thanks, guys! - Clayton, 2007-06-19: 12:17:00
Created by: metrohumanx
Sentence: Certain movies have become ICONODES for otherwise itinerant fans.
COMMENTS: - metrohumanx, 2007-06-20: 08:48:00
Created by: guesser
Pronunciation: Fad + reak
Sentence: Fadreaks come and go, Thank God!
Etymology: Fad ( slang, popular ) + Freak (odd-ball)
Created by: ekath
Pronunciation: truh-dick-shun-ul
Sentence: Did you see that the JRR Tolkien scholar, follower, and fangirl convention is coming to the convention center this weekend?... Yeah, all those tradictional costumes drive me insane. Plus none of the fangirls can read the directional signs in elvish, so they all ask for directions at the gas station where I work.
Etymology: from tradition + fictional + addiction
Created by: Mrgoodtimes
Pronunciation: Comi - coke
Sentence: Girlfriend.... nope, Job .... nada, Health.... no bueno. But as long as Hermes had his WOW character "LadiesMan", he had all the comicoke he needed.
Etymology: Comicon - cocaine (both addictive and debilitating)
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: pop-cult
Sentence: he knew he belonged in this popcult because he already had a lot of Faith...he also had a lot of Buffy, Willow, Angel, Oz, Xander, Gunn, Wesley, Fred, Anya, Lorne, Giles, Dawn, Connor and Cordelielia....but Faith was still his favourite.
Etymology: pop culture, cult
Damn you for stealing the most obvious, and thus most appropriate verboticism. - ErWenn, 2007-06-19: 01:58:00
yes.... i bet your very jealous that you didn't have this little vote-magnet all for yourself.....what's that?...sorry you'll need to speak up so i can here you over the crickets...and watch out for the tumbleweeds... - rikboyee, 2007-06-19: 18:28:00
Well, you got as many votes as I did. And I firmly believe that the best verboticism does not always win. In fact, it usually doesn't, in my opinion. - ErWenn, 2007-06-20: 00:08:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: i-con-o-lize
Sentence: Some celebrities, musical stars and sports figures have been so iconolized in the press that they can be girlfriend beaters, wife cheaters, drug abusive, self-indulgent idiots and still command the love and admiration of millions of followers who have no idea what a real hero is.
Etymology: icon: an idol; one who is the object of devotion + idolize: to regard with blind devotion or devotion; to worship as an idol
it's good :) - sanssouci, 2010-01-13: 18:47:00
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: mith/no/mer
Sentence: An expert in links between high intelligence, a sedentary lifestyle and the influence of pop culture, Caliope Broun, Phd, was attempting, in her latest paper, to trace the beginnings of these--for lack of a better word--"mythnomers" that began occuring in the 20th Century.
Etymology: From myth, for widely held, but false belief + nomer, Latin for name; a play on misnomer, a misplaced name
love saying this - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-12: 15:43:00
Mouth ulther? Legend! - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-12: 16:15:00
Thank you, thank you, thank you for comments...what a strange fellowship of those who whose world in held together by words....Just how many of us are there????? - readerwriter, 2008-08-12: 17:42:00
Mythnomer maketh me lithp. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 22:08:00
Created by: ziggy41
Pronunciation: Em-jane-izm
Sentence: Did you hear all those rumors about the Walt Disney religion among children, that MJainism won't last a year...
Etymology: MJ (Michael "King of Pop" Jackson) + Jainism (An Indian religion)
Created by: texmom
Pronunciation: Spahk-ism
Sentence: The trekkies exhibited spockism as they stood in line for the convention for 5 days.
Etymology: Spock - distinctive character in Star Trek ism - makes it a noun
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: bor-gan-iz-a-shun
Sentence: It wasn't long before the Star Trek series went from a simple buycon, content with selling action figures of Spock and Kirk, to a borganization, with a huge cult-like following of devotees.
Etymology: borg, organization
borgiful! - remistram, 2007-06-19: 09:50:00
I like the "bonus word" you gave us - buycon. I'm assuming that's a capitalist icon? - bigdog, 2007-06-19: 16:08:00
Let's hear one for the borgs. - texmom, 2007-06-19: 17:29:00
Not sure that buycon is original, but it popped into my mind when I was thinking about all those toys I felt I had to buy for my son years ago. Yep, it's a capitalist icon. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-19: 18:00:00
Created by: jermainechambers44
Pronunciation: Geek-bon-nicks
Sentence: Poindexter couldn\'t wait to show off his new found grasp of geekbonics, so he tried to work it in every conversation he could as he mingled with the masses at the annual sci-fi convention.
Etymology: Geek-(a nerd,computer & or movie obbsessed.)Ebonics-(form of slang,made famous by urban youth)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: nurd-seckt
Sentence: Joining the Star Trek nerdsect meant never having to apologise for wearing tight fitting polyester to work again.
Etymology: nerd (geek, dweeb, neb) + sect (cult)
Created by: rephil
Pronunciation: prez-lee-TEER-ee-uhn
Sentence: American Idol is well on the way to becoming a new Presleyterian.
Etymology: Presley, after Elvis Presley + presbyterian, a common Christian sect.
Hunka burnin' love it! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-19: 11:00:00
We have an assembly of cureitans who meet on Queen Street and worship Robert Smith - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-19: 12:03:00
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: enn-kull-terr-is-uhm
Sentence: I wasn't sure at first, but after studying the teachings of Picard on the Talarians in Season 4, Ep. 4, it became clear to me that enculterism is the truth.
Etymology: Entertainment + cult/culture + suffix ism to denote the act or state of.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pīətrek
Sentence: Wendell follows his heroes with the fervor of a pilgrim. Last Fall he took a pietrek to the convention center sporting his finest repliclothes. I\'d like to say he took a date with him but we all know better than that.
Etymology: piety (the quality of being religious or reverent) + trek (Star Trek)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: trek tair ian ism
Sentence: When Jock Spock came out of the ladies washroom at the Star Trek Convention, he gave the Vulcan hand signal and said, "Live long and Prosper". Being a strict follower of trektarianism, he hoped his clever response would divert the ire of the waiting women. It did not.
Etymology: Trek (as in Star Trek, popular sci-fi TV series) & Tractarianism (principles of the founders of the Oxford movement as expounded in pamphlets called Tracts for the Times)
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: pahp-VUHL-churr-ihz-uhm
Sentence: Alex's girlfriend didn't understand why he HAD to go to EwokLoverCon '07 because she didn't understand popvulturism.
Etymology: pop culture + vulture (ravenous appetite) + -ism (belief)
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: uh-GOG-uh-LIG-uh-LEE-djun
Sentence: Whilst wandering wistfully around the Metropolis,Wallace wondered at the latest AGOGALIGALEGION that had formed outside.Masticating mavens of merchandising made many miscreants marvel at the multitudes which had massed at the megamall. The latest coordinated assault of capitalism has resulted in the simultaneous release of The Movie, The Book, The CEEDEE and The Action Figures...and now the riot squad was getting restless. The number of demented devotees was exceeded only by the record-breaking box office receipts. Clad in their officially-endorsed uniforms, the AGOGALIGALEGION surged forward uncontrollably. This could be worse than the time the bottom dropped out of the Pokemon market. Wallace watched warily as the pumps were primed on the water cannon...
Etymology: AGOG+LIGAture+LEGION=AGOGALIGALEGION___AGOG:full of intense interest or excitement;Middle French en gogues in mirth___LIGATURE:something that is used to bind;something that unites or connects…Middle English,from Latin ligatus, past participle of ligare to bind, tie___LEGION:a very large number; Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin legion-, legio, from legere to gather.
Verbotomists arise! Vote early, vote often! The early bird catches the worm. (but the second mouse gets the cheese) - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:30:00
I'm all agog at your paragraph - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-12: 16:58:00
Love the word, even though it sounds like I am gargling when I try to say it!It might also be a cure for sore throats! - Nosila, 2008-08-12: 20:51:00
Yeah- a lotta tongue flapping involved here. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 22:02:00
Terrific and crazy - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:13:00

Today's definition was inspired by Robert J. Sawyer. One of the neat things about Rob's writing is that he likes to ask questions about the big issues -- like religion and ethics -- while he peppers his stories with pop culture references. And one of his favorite pop icons is Star Trek! Rob we love you! And we celebrate Star Trek in your honor! Not that we're getting religious about it or anything... Thanks! ~ James
scrabbelicious - 2008-08-12: 16:18:00