The create-a-word game

Weekly Author Ranking

Author Ranking

For week starting 2009-05-04. (1 - 25)

1. Jabberwocky Score: 155 (Score Details)

2. emdeejay Score: 146 (Score Details)

3. Nosila Score: 143 (Score Details)

4. artr Score: 133 (Score Details)

5. abrakadeborah Score: 125 (Score Details)

6. mrskellyscl Score: 125 (Score Details)

7. galwaywegian Score: 123 (Score Details)

8. Mustang Score: 119 (Score Details)

9. mweinmann Score: 113 (Score Details)

10. hyperborean Score: 98 (Score Details)

11. jasjamson Score: 77 (Score Details)

12. splendiction Score: 60 (Score Details)

13. bookowl Score: 50 (Score Details)

14. DrWebster111 Score: 48 (Score Details)

15. dochanne Score: 44 (Score Details)

16. phoenix89 Score: 29 (Score Details)

17. petaj Score: 23 (Score Details)

18. rikboyee Score: 23 (Score Details)

19. readerwriter Score: 22 (Score Details)

20. November Score: 20 (Score Details)

21. metrohumanx Score: 6 (Score Details)

22. wayoffcenter Score: 6 (Score Details)

23. ladyiggy Score: 5 (Score Details)

24. otherguy Score: 5 (Score Details)

25. Stevenson0 Score: 5 (Score Details)


'Let me help you with that zipper'

DEFINITION: v. To insist on helping someone in spite of their repeated assurance that they have things well in hand, and already have their own remedies in mind. n. Unwanted help or assistance.

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