Verboticism: Illdustrious

'Don't worry, it's snot on your files.'

DEFINITION: v. To be so hardworking and dedicated to your job that you come to work even when you're sick and dangerously infectious. n. A person who comes to work sneezing, coughing, contagious, and sick as a dog.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: in-fekt-eh-side

Sentence: Delbert seemed to oblivious to the fact that he committed infecticide among his clients and coworkers when he insisted on showing up at work even when extremely ill.

Etymology: Blend of 'infect' (to pass germs along) and the suffix '-cide' (to kill)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: so sheo path o jen

Sentence: Larry, who always fancied himself as a leader and trendsetter, was at it again. Feeling his employers would wilt away without him, he dragged his ailing body into the office. That guy caught more colds and flus than anyone else. Of course, he never thought to consider his colleagues, who one by one, were felled by whatever disease this sociopathogen transported. Armed with disinfectants and sprays, his poor co-workers tried their best to avoid whatever ailment he brought to work this week. They never succeeded. It is no wonder they called him Typhoid Larry!

Etymology: Sociopath (someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder) & Pathogen (any disease-producing agent (especially a virus or bacterium or other microorganism)

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Created by: tyler775

Pronunciation: /doo* poe * par/

Sentence: Joe is such a dupopar; he comes to work even when he's sick with the flu.

Etymology: *du fom dur- Greek prefix for hard *poe from poie - Greek prefix for to make * par from part - French prefix for leave

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: ill-dus-tree-us

Sentence: Phil was a snotbucket that overfloweth. Still, he came to work and was an illdustrious little bee that paid no attention to whom he sneezed on or on what he wiped his moist and slimy hands.

Etymology: ill, sick + industrious, hard-working

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: kŏl'ŏŏg'ē

Sentence: Barton was nothing but a colleaugie; he sneezed as he entered Martina's cubicle, and his hand was too late to block the greenish projectile that splattered onto the far partition.

Etymology: Colleague who produces (or "horks") loogies.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: äkyəpājəs

Sentence: His dedication to his job means Phil will show up for work even when he is occupagious.

Etymology: occupation (a job or profession) + contagious (likely to transmit a disease)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: job/sick/sess

Sentence: John is a workaholic determined to become CEO before he's forty. He comes to work no matter his illness. This lends to his rising star success, but to his co-workers, John's jobsicksess means they'll probably catch the swine flu, or other disease from him.

Etymology: job + sick + obsess; j + obsess = jobsess + sick = jobsicksess


Sicksessful word! - Nosila, 2009-06-19: 13:03:00

good one - Jabberwocky, 2009-06-19: 13:40:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kəntājənt

Sentence: Josh does snot believe in calling out sick. His current cold and dedication to selling homes have combined to make him a Real Estate contagent. His clients are not impressed with his infectious laugh.

Etymology: contagious (likely to transmit a disease by contact with other people) + agent (a person who acts on behalf of another)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: duh-JERM-in-ayt-ehr

Sentence: A determined and dedicated worker, Alfonse would show up at work even when sick as a dog with serious ailments and his coworkers had given him the title 'Dahgerminator' since he often put other workers out of work on many occasions by spreading his germs.

Etymology: Dopey inference to The Terminator.


Hasta La Visectomy, Baby! - Nosila, 2009-06-20: 11:36:00


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Created by: DankJemo





like where this is going - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-07: 11:45:00

I'm guessing the etymology is something like: infected + dedicated. DankJemo, did you know you get more points for including the pronunciation, sentence and etymology? Plus, you may get more votes too. - Tigger, 2008-05-07: 22:10:00


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