Verboticism: Fashiononsense

'My bikini still fits!'

DEFINITION: n. A person in deep denial who crams into their old clothing which is now somewhat unflattering, and perhaps several sizes too small. v. To wear clothing from your "younger days" just to prove that you still got it.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: geez - ur - skueez - ur

Sentence: Lolita Meyers celebrated her 68th birthday this year at the beach doing a total geezersqueezer into the bikini that she wore in the Miss Centerville pageant 45 years ago. She paraded around proudly thinking she looked just like she used to but sadly, no one else shared her illusion.

Etymology: geezer - squeezer


hehehe - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-11: 13:39:00


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Created by: emdeejay

Pronunciation: a parallel

Sentence: Jimmy smiled as he recalled his pleasant dreams of the night before, of the sweet supple skin of his beloved as they bathed in the sandy sunshine on their honeymoon. He wondered if they were still there together, in a parallel universe. Suddenly, the sound of Irena's voice bought him back to reality. When he saw the image of her before him he was struck by a profound thought: Was this apparelhell universe?

Etymology: Apparel: clothing. Hell: A very bad place, or so I'm told. Parallel: consistent property of two events separated by time.


terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-11: 13:37:00


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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: yooth-en-ize

Sentence: Whenever Syl would youthenize, Morty just wished he was dead.

Etymology: youth (the condition or quality of being young) + euthanize (the act of painlessly ending the life of a person for reasons of mercy)


hyperborean Thanks for using my photograph for today's cartoon. (Just kidding.) - hyperborean, 2009-05-11: 09:03:00

short, (sweet )and fast , packs the punch, like a ninja - DrWebster111, 2009-05-12: 21:41:00


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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: crammed/ma

Sentence: Her crammedma and crammeddad came to visit both wearing clothes several sizes too small.

Etymology: cram + Grandma

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: proon-ETT-eh

Sentence: Jeanetta was well past mid life but convinced she still looked good in revealing clothes, and the poor thing had no idea that friends referred to her as Prunetta because of all the sags, wrinkles and cellulite that gave her a prune like appearance.

Etymology: Blend of 'prune' (dried plum) and a feminine name ending in 'etta'.

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Crink-old-fa-shun-rut

Sentence: Mrs. Wryly Puckerbutt got stuck in a Crinkledfashionrut. As she strutted her stuff around her husband...Gruff he finally had to say,"Dear you know my sight is sweetheart I don't want to make you mad, but honey you don't have what you once, please go iron out the wrinkles!" I've overheard Mrs. Nippentuck, has nicknamed you,"Mrs.Crinkledwrinkled Puckerbutt. She says, "you are in a constant crinkledfashionrut!" Honey, don't worry I think she's a nut!

Etymology: Crinkle: A wrinkle,ripple, or fold. Fashion:The prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior. Rut:To get stuck into a fixed, usually boring routine.(Unbecoming,to be stuck in an era of a certain stlye of clothing that is not age appropriate, attractive, or flattering.)


super word - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-11: 13:38:00

Love the names! - Nosila, 2009-05-11: 22:22:00

Thanks Jabber and Nosila very much :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-14: 11:16:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ouchfit

Sentence: When Carl broke out an old outfit in honor of his class reunion he discovered that it had become an ouchfit. It was not only uncomfortable to wear it hurt his wife. She laughed so hard she pulled muscles. Even the dog was snickering.

Etymology: ouch (used to express pain) + outfit (a set of clothes worn together, typically for a particular occasion or purpose)

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Created by: ahwinters

Pronunciation: fa-shen-non-cents

Sentence: Grandma's fashiononsense often times found her in acid wash jeans which were too snug.


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: mutt-n-floor-nt

Sentence: Once more, Esme, an incorrigible muttonflaunt, was rummaging in the bottom of the trunk for the midriff top and hotpants from her youth. When Ken walked in all he could see was her saggy derriere clad in a g-string wobbling about on top of her thigh-high-booted legs, with clothing being tossed in the air.

Etymology: mutton dressed as lamb (an older person wearing youthful clothes) + flaunt (to show off)


what an image - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-11: 13:40:00

I think I know her...good word! - Nosila, 2009-05-11: 17:57:00

That Esme... Not at all sheepish... - emdeejay, 2009-05-11: 19:45:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: phat-ore-ee-al-ist

Sentence: Mabel, a seasoned fatorialist, started her own website called "The Fatorialist" and posted pictures of herself squeezed into her favorite clothing, mostly from the 1940s. She also posted pictures of random people she came across who she thought looked as dashing as her in their ill-fitting rags.

Etymology: fat + sartorialist

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