Verboticism: Faceirk

'Wow, you haven't changed since high school!'

DEFINITION: v., To seek out old acquaintances even though you never really knew them that well, or liked them very much, in the first place. n. An old and unwanted friend who has suddenly reappeared.

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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: cash-u-el-O-cate

Sentence: Mark was bored so he hopped on Google in an attempt to cacheualocate his old high school drug buddies to kill a weekend with. He did manage to bullseyedent one but his MySpace page said he was "Born again" so he was out. Another one Mark managed to interneterrogate had managed to get busted in another state and was serving time. But his last queryquarry was still single and was still living with his parents according to his AdultFriendFinder profile. Interneterrogate: To do deep queries for a specific person on the Internet. Queryquarry: the subject of an interneterrogation. Bullseyedent: Find your queryquarry through interneterrogation.

Etymology: Cache (a store of something) + casual (in the sense of not a deep aquaintance or friend) + locate.


"Queryquarry"- great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-01: 18:09:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Hi-skool-hoos-r-u

Sentence: Derek was forever telling his wife how popular he had been at school, so when he was invited to a school reunion he jumped at the chance, deluding himself that his fellow pupils would be delighted to see him again after all these years. He arrived promptly on the night and sought out everyone who looked vaguely familiar and introduced himself with great ethusiasm only to be greeted with puzzled looks and much highschoolwhosaryou expressions.

Etymology: Highschool(a place of learning) + Who are you? = Highschoolwhosareyou

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Created by: Scrumpy

Pronunciation: mem-uh-ree-leyn

Sentence: Ken caught the memorylame bug. He was feeling insecure and imagined all of the people from his past were more succesful than him. He soon found that he was doing being better than most, being retired at forty.

Etymology: memory lane + lame


Excellent! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-01: 18:24:00


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Created by: hellohime

Pronunciation: pas'hole

Sentence: You got a phone call from John Smith? What did that pasthole want?

Etymology: a blend of "past" and "@55hole", someone from your past that you never really cared for but for somereason, later in life, they seek you out for either friendship or because they need something from you.


DrWebsterIII Truly humorous ! - DrWebsterIII, 2012-11-01: 17:34:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: so-shul-net-jerk

Sentence: Tom was a socialnetjerk. He had no life or real friends, so he spent countless hours finding old classmates on facebook and sending them friend requests, ihearts and farmville invitations, proving that he was still a dork after 15 years.

Etymology: social network: facebook, myspace - a place to meet and interact with friends on the internet + jerk: foolish, rude or contemptible person

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Snob-ree-late-ing

Sentence: She knew she had risen above them but couldnt help indulging in a bit of snobrelating with the riffraff

Etymology: Snob - relate

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Created by: mchristof

Pronunciation: ar-kay-stalk-o-jist

Sentence: I haven't seen her in years, but now she shows up everywhere I go like some archaestalkogist.

Etymology: Archaeologist - student of the past, usually in reference to human history and culture. Stalker - individual who fixates on another person, following them and often documenting their activities all while attempting to get their attention.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: paləsīt

Sentence: Sometimes being a nice guy has its drawbacks. It can entice palasites. I know that sounds like some kind of royal gemstone but is is really a royal pain. Palasites are socially-inept people (dorks) who have decided you are their friend for something as simple as calling them by their given name instead of the commonly-adopted moniker of **Get away from me, you idiot**. You thought you were done with them when you graduated high school but now he found you on Facebook. Ignore! Ignore! Ignore!

Etymology: pal (friend) + (an organism that lives in or on another organism [its host] and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host*s expense)


like it - galwaywegian, 2010-01-29: 08:09:00


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Created by: Kevcom2

Pronunciation: uh/burgh/uh/sose/ee/eight

Sentence: I happened to stumble upon an old abberrassociate at the mall the other day. She was wearing the same outlandish clothes that she used to wear in high school.

Etymology: Aberrant - weird; associate - aquaintance.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: deja/dupe

Sentence: Joe was a victim and total loser in high school and fifteen years has passed. He discovered Face-Book and began seeking out and contacting "old friendships and acquaintances" only to find he was dejaduping and renewing old hostilities toward himself.

Etymology: DEJADUPE - verb - from DEJA VU (an impression of having seen, or experienced something before) + DUPE (a person who is easily deceived, or victimized)

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