Verboticism: Themanarrhea

'Omigod, I'm surrounded.'

DEFINITION: n. The weird feelings that rise up when you notice that you are being followed by a police officer, or a cop car, or the Special Forces Anti-Terrorist Unit. v. To feel nervous, self-conscious and guilty whenever you see a police officer.

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: ə-frād'där

Sentence: "There he goes again. That's the third time the park ranger has circled past us. He must know we failed to properly quench the campfire last night," Julie said. "Relax. it's just your afraidar," Jim replied.

Etymology: afraid/radar


The child in me loves the word afraider ... it's a crackerjack creation! Excellent! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-20: 15:29:00

Good one, stache...just cause you're paranoid does not mean that someone isn't following you... - Nosila, 2008-03-20: 22:34:00

Oh, this is an excellent word. Perfect! - Tigger, 2008-03-20: 22:53:00

Fantastic word. Most X-dar words (including mine) seem to imply that the detection is actually _effective_. I like that this one goes the other way. - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 01:55:00

Good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 03:41:00


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Created by: kimmarie

Pronunciation: cop-shus

Sentence: Ever since she thought of lifting that pack of gum from the 7-eleven she has been copscious of anyone around her in uniform.

Etymology: cop + conscious

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: sus-spookd

Sentence: Seeing the cop car in her rear view mirror, Alice felt susspooked, recalling that just yesterday she had ripped off from her mattress the DO NOT REMOVE UNDER PENALTY OF LAW tag.

Etymology: suspect, spooked


Not the mattress tag!? Oh, that's hilarious. - Tigger, 2008-03-20: 11:57:00

Great originality! It ssssssslides over the tongue and ends with a poke ... fun to say and a fun sentence ... Double Kudos to you today! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-20: 16:03:00


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Created by: Jamagra

Pronunciation: tik/it/desk/a/fo/bee/a

Sentence: Michelle had already accumulated 11 points against her driver's license. Two more would result in a suspension. Michelle's ticketdeskaphobia kicked in as she walked through the donut shop parking lot.

Etymology: ticket desk (a place at the police station or city hall to pay ticket fines in person) + phobia (an irrational fear of something); also a play on "triskaidekaphobia" (fear of the number favorite word to say)


great - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-20: 11:07:00

Clever creation. - Tigger, 2008-03-20: 11:33:00

Your word adds up in more ways than one! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-20: 15:30:00


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Created by: lplybon

Pronunciation: "Suss-PEK-shus"

Sentence: "Edwin had one of those days when he felt suspectious all day long. He started fumbling with his change, suddenly nauseous and sweaty, while buying coffe at the corner store, when two off-duty cops came in. Just neighborhood guys, okay? Geez. But then later on he thought he saw that look, that knowing look from a clerk, when renewing his drivers' license ..."

Etymology: A combination of suspicious, suspect, and susceptible.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: cop-air-uh-NOYa

Sentence: Whenever Lucy noticed that any sort of law officer appeared to be looking in her direction she suffered seizures of coparanoia fearful that they had likely learned about the many minor infractions she'd committed over the last couple years.

Etymology: Blend of 'cop' (police officer) and 'paranoia' (a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution'

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: eff - bee - hii - v - sss

Sentence: Carla brokes out in fbhives as she drove around town. She imagined large, dark cars were following closely behind her and that any any moment she might be stopped, even though she had no idea what she might have done.

Etymology: FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation: a federal law enforcement agency that is the principal investigative arm of the Department of Justice) + Hives (skin reaction that may develop from allergies or emotional stress resulting in slightly elevated patches that are redder or paler than the surrounding skin and often are accompanied by itching)


Puntastic! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-12: 10:34:00

Arresting word...maybe that's where they get Sting operations from! - Nosila, 2009-01-13: 00:38:00


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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: ap/ree/hend/siv

Sentence: After being caught once jaywalking, Sue was apprehendsive every time she crossed the street.

Etymology: apprehend (arrest) + apprehensive


Very clever! - Jamagra, 2008-03-20: 09:54:00

Got my vote! - diyan627, 2008-03-20: 12:01:00

Outstanding! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-20: 15:20:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: nahrk-o-jit-erz

Sentence: Some twenty years ago, in college Marcia was at a party where somebody was smoking something that didn't smell like cigarettes. To this day she gets the narcojitters whenever she sees a vehicle that she thinks might be an unmarked police car.

Etymology: narc (a government agent or detective charged with the enforcement of laws restricting the use of narcotics) + jitters (nervousness; a feeling of fright or uneasiness)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: cop ab il itee

Sentence: When Sherry forgot her purse at home and found she was driving around without her registration and insurance, she spotted a police car on every corner. Her copability was running in overdrive. She became particularly guilty of coplicity, when one of the squad cars appeared to be following her. She carefully tried evasive maneouvers, but it stayed with her. She was close to panic mode when the offending car swung off and into a donut shop parking lot. Whew, she thought...lucky they never realized that my no-good, two-timing boyfriend was bound up in the trunk!

Etymology: Cop (Slang for Police) & Culpability (a state of guilt)

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