Verboticism: Unscramblagram

'Did you get the boss's message?'

DEFINITION: v., To grasp the meaning of muddled texts like blog posts, emails and text messages where standard grammatical or spelling conventions have been ignored. n., The ability to read and understand confused or poorly written messages.

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Created by: SpaceCadet

Pronunciation: uhn-SKRAM-AH-grAHm

Sentence: - "Wow man, you can unscramblagram that? I can't make heads or tails of this egarbage!" Johnny said. - "Yeah dude, I'm a regular unscramblagrammer... I guess I'm just good at getting into the sender's state of mind, you know?" Mike replied. - "Whoah..." said Johnny.

Etymology: 1. "unscramble": (verb) to restore (a scrambled message) to intelligible form; "unscrambler" (noun), a person or thing that unscrambles. 2. "agram", from "agrammatical" = "a-" (prefix) not + "grammatical" (adj.) conforming to the rules of grammar

Points: 587