Verboticism: Emoticonclude

'I can read you like a book, baby!'

DEFINITION: v., To read a person's face and interpret what they are actually thinking, even if they are trying to conceal their true feelings. n., The skill of reading people's faces, especially micro-expressions.

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: ĭ-mō-tĭ-kŏn-klōōd'

Sentence: When Vicky reminded Dave about the about their church's spaghetti dinner they were supposed to go to on Sunday, and he replied that he was looking forward to it, she correctly emoticoncluded that he'd rather be watching football instead, and that he'd be looking for any excuse to get him out of the event — she could tell by his too eager expression.

Etymology: Emoticon (English Slang: 1980–85; blend of 'emotion' and 'icon') + conclude - "to determine by reasoning; deduce; infer" (Latin, concludere - comb. form of claudere, "to shut")

Points: 572