Verboticism: Slashticate

DEFINITION: n., A cut, or puncture wound on the roof of the mouth inflicted while consuming dangerously crunchy-sharp foods, like potato chips. v., To cut the roof your mouth while eating extra crispy snack foods.
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: SLASH-ti-cayt
Sentence: Karen enjoyed her Cap'n Crunch, but those first few bites of the golden sweet cereal were tricky. If you took too big a mouthful before they had soggied up some they would slashticate the roof of your mouth to ribbons.
Etymology: Slash + (Mas)ticate [chew]
Points: 698
Comments: Slashticate
purpleartichokes - 2007-11-27: 20:19:00
I like it!