Verboticism: Grumbleflinch

'That cake is so dry it's completely indigestible!'

DEFINITION: n., The fear that your service representative will retaliate after you have complained. v., To be afraid of bad service because you complained about it.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: grum-bull-flinch

Sentence: The old woman was a well-known complainangst at the store. Despite receiving excellent service over the years she always seemed to grumbleflinch whenever she had to return a product. It was like she expected retailiation.

Etymology: grumble + flinch (complainant + angst)

Points: 434

Comments: Grumbleflinch

purpleartichokes - 2007-11-30: 10:27:00
Gotta love those cantankerous senior shitizens!