Verboticism: Buffboggle

'Ah, What happened to your fur?'
Photo: tanakawho

DEFINITION: n. That weird stare your cat, dog, bird or other pet gets in it's eye when it sees you naked. v. tr. To stare at your owner when he or she changes clothes or is otherwise naked.

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Created by: CanadianAndyCapp

Pronunciation: Buff-bogg-el

Sentence: The nudist had no inhibitions when it came to other people, but was highly embarrased when his pet gave him a buffboggle and hid under the couch.

Etymology: Buff- (Coloqial form) nakedness / Boggle- (Coloquial form) viewing with wide eyes or astonishment.

Points: 920

Comments: Buffboggle

silveryaspen - 2008-02-18: 10:05:00
Doubly B good!