Verboticism: Petuglance

'Ah, What happened to your fur?'
Photo: tanakawho

DEFINITION: n. That weird stare your cat, dog, bird or other pet gets in it's eye when it sees you naked. v. tr. To stare at your owner when he or she changes clothes or is otherwise naked.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pet you glans

Sentence: When Roger climbed naked out of the forest pool after his morning ablutions, his beloved elephant, Seemore, gave him a petuglance which asked the oft unspoken question, "How do you breathe through that thing??"

Etymology: pet (domesticated animal kept for companionship) & you & glance (look) & petulant (easily annoyed)

Points: 794

Comments: Petuglance

swallowedbyafish - 2008-02-18: 02:37:00
you get a vote for the seymore/seemore pun! (and a good verbot)

purpleartichokes - 2008-02-18: 05:34:00
HA! Funny sentence!

silveryaspen - 2008-02-18: 09:59:00
Roaring with laughter! That ending suggests a whole new spelling and meaning for petuglans! (I don't know which made me redder, this remark or laughing so hard!)

Tigger - 2008-02-18: 18:43:00
Great sentence! LMTO (Laughing My Trunk Off)...