Verboticism: Malevolint

'Let's try this again with extra suction.'

DEFINITION: v. To pick up a piece of lint from the floor that your vacuum missed, and then drop it in front of the vacuum again, to give the vacuum another chance to suck it up. n. A piece of lint that a vacuum will not pick up.

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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: mal-ev-o-lant

Sentence: Jill and her super sucker are no match for the malevolint fiber clinging to the carpet. She tries sucking it, pulling it, and picking it. She finally decides it's easier to call the local store to change the carpet in the room.

Etymology: malevolent,(evil,harmful)/lint(fiber)

Points: 881

Comments: Malevolint

bookowl - 2008-04-04: 15:55:00