Verboticism: Wraptattention

'Have you set up the security for our new computers?'

DEFINITION: v. To give a child, pet or coworker a wrapped gift or packaged item, only to discover they are more interested packaging than the item itself. n. Gift wrapping or packaging which proves to be more exciting than the contained item.

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: rapt-uh-ten-shun

Sentence: Sven wasn't sure if he was standing there in quiet amazement, frustration, or amusement, looking at his nephew shaking the wrapping paper in the air. "It's so cool, Uncle Sven, the way it reflects the light!" The box containing the remote controlled car that he bought after careful planning and consideration sat there on the floor, almost an unnoticed afterthought. His nephew's wraptattention to the mylar wrapping paper seemed much more interesting.

Etymology: wrapped + attention

Points: 1319