Verboticism: Persistenator

'It's time to find your inner cockroach'

DEFINITION: n. A person who succeeds not because of their talents, but because they just won't quit. v. To firmly believe in your talents and never give up on your goals, despite the huge obstacles, snide comments, and repeated setbacks.

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: per-sis-ten-ay-tor

Sentence: In the office, Phyllis was called the persistenator. She worked hard and despite not having quite the flashes of brilliance and withitness as many new hires. However, she always was went about her daily duties. After 3 years waiting for the promotion from mail clerk to record filing, it took her another 4 years to make it to front desk. After spending 10 years at the job, and after much turnover in the office, she was finally promoted to office manager 6 years ago. She hoped to make the jump to mid-level management soon as she just completed a correspondance course in business administration.

Etymology: persistence,the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior + ator, suffix indicating a person that is involved with doing what the root word is about

Points: 1124

Comments: Persistenator

OZZIEBOB - 2008-05-02: 05:29:00
On a roll!