Verboticism: Freshbroodcoffheshee
DEFINITION: n. A person who regularly sulks inside cafes and coffeehouses all day, contributing nothing more to their world than a pout. v. To glower angrily at the state of world affairs while remaining inactive and unemployed.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fresh brood coff hee shee
Sentence: "Java bad day?" Joe the Baristo asked Capuccina, the customer who came in everday to sit and sip. "No, Joe, I've just bean doing a lot of brewding". "Oh", spouted Joe, "Why don't you Expresso yourself?" "Well, I can't seem to urn any money on my own, I'm on the brew", she said. "And what's worse, I can't seem to percolate any infusiasm for a my family, that would be grounds for being disinherited". "Give yourself a break...quit pouring on the self-pity, you are robust...get out there and do what you do best!" "Really, Joe? Do you think I should quit being a mug, percolate myself among the cream of the crop." "That's the essence...don't be a the world you have not gone to pot! Make your Dad, Juan Valdez, very proud and say "Cafe Au Lait...I am not afraid to meet my maker, I'm a mean caffeine,teen queen machine! I could be an Irish Coffee, a Spanish Coffee, a Turkish Coffee or an Arabica...I am so worldly, People would pay a lot, because I would addict them to my personality." Her eyes were big as saucers when she vowed this and her cup runneth over...Yes, Capuccina was positively frothy at the thought...she had a latte things to prove to herself!
Etymology: fresh (new, not stale or old ) & brood (think moodily or anxiously about something) & coffee (a beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans) & he she (male or female) & fresh brewed (newly created)
Points: 824