Verboticism: Clobbersnob

'Alright boys, let's start digging!'

DEFINITION: n. A person who likes to dress up and seems to have a different outfit for every occasion. v. To dress up in fancy clothes whenever you go out because you don't know who you're going to meet, and you don't want to get dressed down.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Klob-err-snob

Sentence: Jayne had always been a Clobbersnob, even at school she had to look her best just in case the modelling scouts happened to drop in looking for the next Kate Moss!!

Etymology: Clobber(Brit informal Clothing or personal belongings) + Snob(Person with an exaggerated respect for high social standing, looks down on those regarded as socially inferior. = Clobbersnob.

Points: 944