Verboticism: Foodiddle

'So how are you adjusting to married life?'

DEFINITION: v. To compensate for lack of love, attention and/or sexual favors by buying things, lots of things. n. An object purchased to compensate for sexual dawdling.

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Created by: wordmeister

Pronunciation: foo-did-le

Sentence: After 17 and half hours of abstinence, Seymour was about ready to jump out of his pants, so rather than attacking his boss – for some bizarre reason she was getting more and more attractive by the second – he went downstairs fooddidled himself with brand new cravat. And as the afternoon wore on, he simply tightened the loop around his neck whenever the urge returned. Sadly none of his coworkers noticed, until it was too late...

Etymology: fool ( or faux) + diddle

Points: 1340