Verboticism: Mugsaphobia

'This is the real me.'

DEFINITION: n. A self-image disorder characterized by an inability look at, share, or even recognize pictures of yourself, unless they have been photoshopped to perfection. v. To fall in love with a photoshopped image yourself.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mugz a fo beea

Sentence: COP:"Name?" FRED:"Prints Charming" COP: "Funny...that's right, we'll need your prints, Charming! Occupation?" FRED: "Self-Photographer. Officer, What are the Charges?" COP:"Indecent Exposure...You were seen flashing people! Your aperture was open. We are running a background check on you now. Your statements are in sharp contrast to the witness statements." FRED: "No, I wasn't doing that...I was shooting myself, in order to get the most perfect image I could. You see, Officer, I suffer from a mental disorder called Mugsaphobia! It's a rare disorder that lens itself to misunderstandings like this." COP:"Yeah, such a filmsy excuse and this is a Kodak moment. We'll lock you up in a cell and see what develops!" FRED: "No, you can't...I'll tell you I'll snap! I'll blow-up. Besides, if I have to sit in a cold cell,I'll shutter, I'll get polaroids!" COP: "Don't be so negative. Your lawyer will soon get a resolution for you, if you don't pose any more problems for us! Quit crying and focus or you'll get red-eye." FRED: "HELP, I'VE BEEN FRAMED!"

Etymology: mugs {mug shot:a photograph of someone's face (especially one made for police records)}and phobia (an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations)

Points: 641

Comments: Mugsaphobia

metrohumanx - 2008-07-31: 00:44:00
Hey, Muggsy! Good word.

OZZIEBOB - 2008-08-01: 03:23:00
Good word & interesting tale.