Verboticism: Jibdole

'This job sucks, but I love it...'

DEFINITION: n., A person who diligently and persistently complains about their work. v., To enjoy bellyaching about your job so much that you would never consider quitting.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: JIB-dohl

Sentence: With a yearning to occuplague rather than be occupied, and to jibdole rather than job-do, Bob's beefs were legendary. And he certainly wasn't a workhorse, more a worknag. It seemed the thrill for him each day at work was that he was the office occuprick.

Etymology: Blend of JIB: One who sidesteps, hangs back, shirks the issue; JOB: work, employment & DOLE: Payment to the unemployment; 2. lament, lamentation, woe, grey-in-mood, gloom.

Points: 716