Verboticism: Wornographic

'Tap-tap-tap and my hair falls out.'

DEFINITION: n., A wear mark, or shiny spot, which appears on a heavily used computer touch-pad, mouse or keyboard. v., To wear down or erode through repetitive clicking, tapping or poking.

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: worn/u/graf/ic

Sentence: Once again Louise went to bed alone. Hugh had already been on the computer for two hours, and when she announced she was going to bed, with the hopes that he would join her, he only said, "Sleep tight my little raggamuffin." She had no idea what his facination with that machine was. She did NOT find it so intriguing. Other than a few emails from the Ladies Senior Bingo Extravaganzas, not much else interested her on that damn machine. Every "day after" Hugh spent most of the night online, the keyboard letters seemed to be even MORE faded, making it hard for Louise to answer Blanche over on 62nd Avenue. She was not a "by memory typist," but instead a "two finger pecker." Yes, Hughes pleasures had left their keyboard AND mouse, in an unsightly wornographic state.

Etymology: Do I really need to explain?? *giggle*

Points: 1523

Comments: Wornographic

Jabberwocky - 2008-10-17: 12:00:00
wish I'd thought of that - very funny

metrohumanx - 2008-10-17: 12:02:00
Good one, Lumie!

lumina - 2008-10-17: 12:13:00
Wow! You guys are quick! I was just finishing up my editing of typos and things! Yeah...Hugh...reminds me of my sister's son, who is now 23 but was about 13 at the time...she would be in bed, and he was STILL on the computer. When she would shout from her bedroom, "You still on that thing?" he would calmly, say back, "Yeah Mom...I'm in the Christian chat room." *ha* When she told the hub and I that, we bit out tongues...almost to blood...ha...until we got in the car. :)

Nosila - 2008-10-17: 22:20:00
Great the cynic would have been very suspicious of a 13 year old boy in a Christian chat room...possible but unlikely!

metrohumanx - 2008-10-18: 06:43:00
Now he could claim he was verbotomizing.