Verboticism: Chamfeign

'Wow you're vegan? Me too!'

DEFINITION: v., To pretend that you like something that you don't, in hopes that someone else will like your pretensions. n., A person who doesn't like what they actually like, and pretends to like what other people like.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sham fayne

Sentence: Marvin was a snob and in order to impress his rich friends at the Country Club, he would pretend to know all about their culinary choices and pretend to enjoy them. In fact he knew very little about anything and his "friends" laughed about him behind his back. He was a chamfeign and did not really know that pate was goose livers smushed together; that caviar was cold eggs cut from a dead fish;that champagne was bubbly wine that made you burp a lot when you drank it as fast as he does or that steak tartare was raw meat with a raw egg on it. No one had the heart yet to tell him that sweetbreads were not made by bakers or that truffles were mushrooms that pigs dug up with their snotty snouts. Wait till he found out what that escargot he was pretending to enjoy really would go great with the grenouilles he had just gulped down. Yes, Marvin was becoming a real connoissewer!

Etymology: Champagne (sparkling, expensive white wine)& Sham (a person who makes deceitful pretenses) & Feign (make believe with the intent to deceive;make a pretence of)

Points: 659