Verboticism: Skankeeclipper

'Excuse me, but are you giving us your full attention?'

DEFINITION: v. , To groom oneself in inappropriate places or at inappropriate times n., A person who practices personal hygiene in public places.

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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: skan-key-clip-per

Sentence: Natalie was a true skankeeclipper and got in the habit of tearing off her fingernails while driving. She would open the window an inch and try to push them out, but all too often they would fall back inside and land on the door edge or scatter across the floor mats. And Tom, though he loved Natalie a lot, loved his car even more. He dumped the skankeeclipper for a woman with OCD and fake nails.

Etymology: Yankee clipper altered to incorporate skanky--highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust;

Points: 1136