Verboticism: Pickanmix

'Excuse me, but are you giving us your full attention?'

DEFINITION: v. , To groom oneself in inappropriate places or at inappropriate times n., A person who practices personal hygiene in public places.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Pik-an-mix

Sentence: Tom was a serial toenail picker, he just couldn't help it. It didn't matter where he was, on the bus or out for the evening he just had to pickanmix all the rough pieces. It got to the stage when all his friends refused to go out with him because it had just got too embarrassing to sit there watching him remove his shoes and socks in public.

Etymology: Pick(to remove unwanted matter, i.e from toes) + Mix(to associate with others) = Pickanmix

Points: 1067