Verboticism: Inthemannerjones

'I am King Kong!'

DEFINITION: v. To identify so strongly with character from a book, show, or urban legend, that you become convinced that the story is actually about you. n., A person who believes they are a fictional character in wonderfully tragic and heroic story.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: In-the-man-er-joe-ns

Sentence: Tony was such a great fan of action movies he would often daydream about taking the lead part. Lately he had watched so many he had convinced himself that he truly was inthemannerjones and even went out and bought a hat and a whip!!

Etymology: See Indiana Jones(Action/adventure film)

Points: 806

Comments: Inthemannerjones

Jabberwocky - 2008-11-17: 12:57:00