Verboticism: Tishubation

'Oh-oh, I'm surrounded '

DEFINITION: n. A pile of used and discarded tissues; may constitute a bio-hazard. v. To drop a used tissue on to the floor beside your bed or chair, because you are so sick you can barely move.

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: Tish you bay shun

Sentence: With red eyes, and an ever-flowing nose, Colter stumbled into work despite his head cold. He blew the day, and he blew work he needed to do, because he was too busy blowing his nose. His desk was covered with used tissues. Weak and unsteady, leaving his pile of tishubations, and weaving a trail of tishubations, he stumbled home.

Etymology: TITUBATION, TISSUE. TITUBATION - an unsteady or stumbling gait or a head tremor, often caused by a disorder in the cerebellum, a head disorder ... in this case a head disorder caused by the infected, mucous-filled sinuses from a cold. TISSUE - paper hankie, a square of absorbent paper used mainly to wipe areas of the face, especially the mucus flowing from the nose.

Points: 956

Comments: Tishubation

Nosila - 2009-01-02: 18:07:00
Been there...done that