Verboticism: Piquantoxifodder

'I know it's loaded with calories...'

DEFINITION: n. Any highly-processed food or beverage in which the natural ingredients have been removed and replaced with artificial flavors and additives. v. To consume food products laced with synthetic sweeteners, imitation flavors, and other carcinogens.

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: PICK-one-TOCKS-ih-fodder

Sentence: Chuck planted his corpulent posterior in the orange naugahide chair and settled down to his first day at the new job. Thankful to be employed, he relished his new assignment at Universal Test Kitchens...sampling and rating new food products before they were foisted upon the unsuspecting public.Being a true foodlum, he had quaffed, chomped, swigged and munched through an array of buyprodux, each containing an ersatz nutritute carefully engineered from corn syrup and cheap tropical fat. Some dishes were trendylicious and pungent, others had all the appeal of a used bovine salt lick. It wasn't until the late afternoon when Chuck found his favorite concoction. It was real PIQUANTOXIFODDER - stripped of any wasteful vitamins, yet replete with satisfying textures that reminded him of that strangest of foods- tapioca. After secretly cramming down his third helping, Chuck succumbed to a case of megacramps that a gallon of peptodismall wouldn't cure. On the way home, he had to pull over discreetly near an irrigation ditch and make a contribution.Plop Plop Fizz Fizz. Sweating like a cut of rancid pork, Chuck knew that the product he ingested was sure to be a great seller. It was....ambrosia!

Etymology: PIQUANt+TOXIc+FODDER=PIQUANTOXIFODDER.....PIQUANT:agreeably stimulating to the palate,engagingly provocative taste;Middle French, from present participle of piquer.....TOXIC:containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation,extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful;Late Latin toxicus, from Latin toxicum poison, from Greek toxikon arrow poison, from neuter of toxikos of a bow, from toxon bow, arrow.....FODDER:something fed to domestic animals ; especially : coarse food for cattle, horses, or sheep,-inferior or readily available material used to supply a heavy demand;Middle English, from Old English fōdor; akin to Old High German fuotar food.....AMBROSIA:the food of the Greek and Roman gods;Latin, from Greek, literally, immortality, from ambrotos immortal.(bonus word)

Points: 983

Comments: Piquantoxifodder

metrohumanx - 2009-01-29: 01:56:00
Amusing OLD advertisements:

metrohumanx - 2009-01-29: 21:27:00
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