Verboticism: Mythelixir

'Wow! This anti-aging cream really works!'

DEFINITION: n. Creams, potions, and other concoctions which allegedly mask the effects of aging. v. To apply creams to your skin in a desperate attempt to make yourself look younger.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: mithiliksər

Sentence: Mythty may be mythguided or mythtaken but she let mythgivings go and put her faith in the mythticism of the latest mythsteriouth mythelixir she saw on TV. Was she mythled? Perhaps, but it was produced in her home State of Mythithippi.

Etymology: myth (a traditional story, esp. one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events) + elixir (a magical or medicinal potion)

Points: 971

Comments: Mythelixir

otherguy - 2009-02-16: 07:05:00
My tongue hurts!

Nosila - 2009-02-16: 15:58:00
Unmythtakeably good word!