Verboticism: Fauxtox

'Wow! This anti-aging cream really works!'

DEFINITION: n. Creams, potions, and other concoctions which allegedly mask the effects of aging. v. To apply creams to your skin in a desperate attempt to make yourself look younger.

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Created by: DnBrown

Pronunciation: Foe/tox

Sentence: "I really thought this cream made me look younger, I was wrong. Turns out its just another Fauxtox on the market."

Etymology: from the word Faux, (which is a French word for false or fake) and Toxin( is a poisonous substance produced by living cells or organisms). Creating a word similar to the name Botox (Botulinum toxin)

Points: 854

Comments: Fauxtox

TJayzz - 2009-02-17: 04:01:00
Good word

Ismelstar - 2009-02-18: 19:58:00
Quite clever.