Verboticism: Phlegmboyancy

'I thought you said hork...'

DEFINITION: v. To expectorate unexpectedly, especially in situations where it is not considered socially acceptable. n. A person who habitually spits, even when among polite company.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: flem boy an see

Sentence: Phil'sh phlegmboyancy wash credited to hish Phlegmish ancheshtry. His Phlegmish accshent tended to make hiss esh shounds more shpitacular and hish shpeechimpediment, the one where he shprayed and lishped and shlurped shimultaneously, ushually left a DNA trail on hish companionsh. Shometimesh there wash sho much fluid, Phil wash thought of ash phlegmbuoyant! Thish shtumbling block became even more of an isshue when Phil whishled or shang shoprano in a sholo performansh at hish shynagogue on Shabbath!

Etymology: Phlegm (expectorated mucus, saliva, discharge from respiritory passages) & Flamboyancy ( marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior)

Points: 1976

Comments: Phlegmboyancy

silveryaspen - 2009-03-12: 01:06:00

abrakadeborah - 2009-03-12: 01:23:00
OHHHHH! I was LAUGHING out loud on this one Silveryaspen!!! Great description :)~ BRAVO! STILL laughing trying to read your sentence out loud!

abrakadeborah - 2009-03-12: 01:27:00
Nosila,Forgive me oh great creator of this hilarious word and sentence. I was laughing so hard I gave the credit to the name above me! (I'm a newbie)...sorry about that!

galwaywegian - 2009-03-12: 04:33:00
hacklassic! brilliant!

mweinmann - 2009-03-12: 08:16:00
phlemtastic!!! Your story is a classic....creative, funny and shtupendush...

Banky - 2009-03-12: 14:46:00
I came to today to try my hand at the word of the day. Then I saw Nosila's and realized it was pointless. Outstanding!

Nosila - 2009-03-12: 20:12:00
You are forgiven, abrakadeborah...I love your name!! I would like to thank the membersh of the Academy and the Shcreen Actorsh Guild for your shupport!!! Cheersh. (And Banky, when I see the great words of otheres here it challenges me and inspires me to match them!)

petaj - 2009-03-13: 06:15:00
truly horksome!

metrohumanx - 2009-03-16: 02:33:00
Another Nosila Classic!