Verboticism: Snubbrass

'Why can't I get my allowance in cash?'

DEFINITION: v. To exclusively use credit cards, debit cards and/or electronic banking in order to avoid using, or even touching, old fashioned cash. n. A person who never pays for anything using real money.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: snub-bra-ss

Sentence: Snodgrass, had avoided carrying cash for many years, when in his early childhood he contracted a weird flesh eating disease from some money exchanged in a dirty fish market. Now as he handed, with his skeletal-looking fingers, a debit card to his young son he was shocked when the boy asked. "Dad, why do all the kids at school call me a snubbrass?"

Etymology: snub (avoid) + brass (sl. for coins)

Points: 1139

Comments: Snubbrass

petaj - 2009-03-13: 06:02:00
In the illustration, Snodgrass's skeletal fingers are cleverly concealed in fleshy prosthetic gloves.

silveryaspen - 2009-03-13: 10:03:00
guess they aren't penny pinchers! Very clever create!