Verboticism: Buygoner

DEFINITION: v. To go to the store and buy something, but then to forget to bring it home. n. A person who forgets what they bought -- until the credit card bill comes in.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: by gon er
Sentence: Edward was a buygoner. Unlike your average man, Edward shopped till he dropped and forgot what he purchased. There were bags all over the house, full of stuff he thought would make great gifts for someone. The only problem was he forgot what he bought for who and ended up buying them something else. He loved shopping and enjoyed it until the Visa bills came in. Then he'd have a slight jag of buyer's remorse, pay the minimum and set off again next time for another round of rampant consumerism. He knew he needed help one warm July night when he tried to find out what was causing the absolutely gross smell in his car. He thought he had run over a piquant rodent and it had left DNA on his tire. But no, when he finally opened the trunk and went through the bags he had stored inside, he found the culprit. Oh no, he thought, it's Mozart...that deal of a fresh turkey he'd bought in December was rapidly decomposing in his trunk!
Etymology: Buy (To purchase something) & Bygone (past events to be put aside;well in the past; former) & Goner (a person in desperate straits; someone doomed)
Points: 1115
Comments: Buygoner
silveryaspen - 2009-04-13: 13:44:00
Oh that smell that makes you wish it was a byegoner, too! Clever create!
Mustang - 2009-04-13: 22:45:00
Ed must let buygones be byebyegones