Verboticism: Bluffoon
DEFINITION: v. To deny that you have stupidly injured yourself for fear of punishment or ridicule. n. A person who won't admit it when they shoot themselves in the foot (which they seem to do quite often).
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: bluff oon
Sentence: There is no fool like an oaf fool. Clum Sy blundered and blustered around, often hitting his clunkhead and falling down. He was constantly embarrasssed by his lumpy and broken bonehead, black eyes, split lips, and an occasional broken nose, when he accidentally struck it, because he put it where it shouldn't be. Rather than admit he was just a bumpling box boy, he would pretend he was a boxer, and hoped no one would realize he was just a bluffoon.
Etymology: BLUFF, BUFFOON. BLUFF - try to mislead others about some thing. BUFFOON - a bumbling clumsy person, such people often unintentionally hurt themselves. Clowns often act this way to make people laugh and America's Funniest Home Videos tv show has lots of videos of buffoons. /// The first line contains the parody of oaf fool for old fool. /// His name Clum Sy is said clumsy. /// Clunkhead is a blending of the clunking a lunkhead takes. /// Bumpling is a blending of the bumps one gets when bumbling around. ///
Points: 1850
Comments: Bluffoon
Nosila - 2009-04-14: 20:22:00
Great new bumpling!
Mustang - 2009-04-14: 23:41:00
I know some oaf fools...been called one. Great word!
abrakadeborah - 2009-04-16: 19:16:00
Love it! ROTFLMBO! B-B-B-BAA-foooon is on the bluff! being a Bluffoon! LOL! :)