Verboticism: Dribletarian

'I wonder who keeps leaving these empties in the fridge'

DEFINITION: v. To leave a minute quantity of something in a bottle or container. n. A person who never finishes off the last bit of milk, mustard or whatever, because they want to leave the job of replacing it to someone else.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dribliterēən

Sentence: Mark's girlfriend Judy is a humanitarian, vegetarian, librarian. Mark is a dribletarian, the keeper of the small and insignificant, the Grand Poobah of dribs and drabs, the Rajah of remnants. Judy thinks he is just a lazy slob who doesn't want to crack out a new bottle of ketchup.

Etymology: driblet (a small or insignificant amount) + arian (having a concern or belief in a specified thing)

Points: 815

Comments: Dribletarian

wayoffcenter - 2009-05-14: 13:10:00
Perhaps one of them is a Hungarian octogenarian.

Jabberwocky - 2009-05-14: 14:39:00

Guest - 2009-05-14: 15:38:00
Perhaps one of them is a Hungarian octogenarian.