Verboticism: Sabottleur
DEFINITION: v. To leave a minute quantity of something in a bottle or container. n. A person who never finishes off the last bit of milk, mustard or whatever, because they want to leave the job of replacing it to someone else.
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: SA bott le eur
Sentence: A sabottleur is a person known to cause sabotage with almost-empty bottles or containers. The nearly empty bottles build up in large quantities in the fridge. The collection will stink, occupy space and needlessly remain chilled. The sabottleur’s justification may be that leaving a small quantity is better than nothing. Often the sabottleur’s main motive is to avoid taking the time to recycle the container.
Etymology: From saboteur (a person who causes harm) and bottle.
Points: 716
Comments: Sabottleur
petaj - 2009-05-15: 05:36:00
Those sabottleurs are very Krafty. Good one.
mweinmann - 2009-05-15: 08:50:00
this is hilarious