Verboticism: Dumpstir

'Don't kitty me!'

DEFINITION: v. To collect all the emotional energy you receive from one person, and then share it with the very next person you meet. n. Emotional transference.

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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: Dum-pah-ster

Sentence: "'Baggage? I don't think so. Why should I be the only person to carry this burden? I will off load this information, even if it's mentally scaring for the receiver'", thought Michael as he passed on the difficult news that his wife's thrush had flared up again.

Etymology: A convolution of 1) Dumpster (USually)(n) a vessel used for storing junk or unwanted items 2) stir (v) to mix or mix up, perhaps in a mischievious way (colloq).

Points: 872