Verboticism: Dishharmony

'But they're not my dishes!'

DEFINITION: n. A discussion among family members, or room mates, which often turns into a full-blown yelling match, and which seems to occur every night whenever it's time to do the dishes. v. To fight about the dishes.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dishhärmənē

Sentence: Every one of the roommates loved to eat but afterwards there was often dishharmony. Some acted dishabled, others tried to dishappear while others just created dishcord. It wasn*t that people really forgot whose turn it was as much as they dishapproved of the way the the others left things in the kitchen. Just about everybody was ready to dishmember Fred when he boiled water and fixed his instant oatmeal in the the pot only to leave it on the stove.

Etymology: dish (a shallow, typically flat-bottomed container for cooking or serving food) + disharmony (lack of harmony or agreement)

Points: 698

Comments: Dishharmony

galwaywegian - 2009-09-28: 10:12:00

Nosila - 2009-09-28: 16:38:00
Fred was dishlexic and couldn't read the iunstructions...good word.