Verboticism: Berationship

'You've done such a good job emptying your beer bottles.'

DEFINITION: v., To imply that person is usually unhelpful when asking for their assistance. n., An unwilling, unproductive and uninhibitedly useless helper.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: birāshənship

Sentence: Since his layoff from the shoe string factory Rodger*s berationship with Judy has beteriorated. His new job seems to be laying on the sofa besmirching the name of Velcro. Her new job is to bewhittle on his already-weakened self-esteem with her sharp tongue.

Etymology: berate: scold or criticize someone angrily + relationship (the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected)

Points: 602