Verboticism: Coacharacha

'Man! That chick can ride.'

DEFINITION: v., To "surf", or ride in a freestanding position on a bus, train or subway. n., A sport popular among transit riders who attempt to complete the entire commute in a freestanding position without using the handrails.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: koatch a ratcha

Sentence: Elena commuted everyday for an hour on the bus and never was able to find a seat or a gentleman on it. She used her time to practice her dance steps and most enjoyed The Coacharacha as she called it. One day she brought her music and swayed to that tune, keeping her balance and shaking her hips. Before long others were joining her to make their commute more fun. The driver was greatly amused to see her lead a conga line of dancers off the bus downtown. Eventually she got a T-Mobile commercial getting everyone at her stop at the town square to dance the coacharacha which was a huge hit on Youtube!

Etymology: Coach (a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport or a railcar where passengers ride) & La Cucaracha (A Latin mambo-style dance to the the tune of La Cucaracha, a popular Spanish/Mexican folksong about a cockroach, thought to satirize the Spanish American War)

Points: 599