Verboticism: Keyrosion

'Tap-tap-tap and my hair falls out.'

DEFINITION: n., A wear mark, or shiny spot, which appears on a heavily used computer touch-pad, mouse or keyboard. v., To wear down or erode through repetitive clicking, tapping or poking.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: key-ro-shun

Sentence: Maxine was shiftwrecked due to keyrosion. Her computer was spacebarred and pitted, her mousepooped from exhaustion and she was becoming debilitated from numberless keystrokes. She was all keyed up about it when it clicked in her mind that she was simply board with her life. She worried that she had become typecast, spending every day wading in the typingpool for her shift to come in. Maxine realized at that moment that she had spent too much time backspacing away from her dreams of adventure and romance, so she decided to correct the error. She used her trusty keyboard one last time to type up her letter of resignation and booked herself on the next cruise to the islands.

Etymology: key: lever that operated a mechanism when depress as in the keys of a keyboard + erosion: wearing away or pitting caused by natural processes such as abrasion, grinding or chemical means or overuse

Points: 818