Verboticism: Maitredread

'That cake is so dry it's completely indigestible!'

DEFINITION: n., The fear that your service representative will retaliate after you have complained. v., To be afraid of bad service because you complained about it.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: may-tra-dread

Sentence: While vacationing in Jamaica, Jen had maitredread after complaining about the entre to the headwaiter. She couldn't understand what he said, but when he returned the dish there was a garnish that looked suspiciously like something they warned her about in health class.

Etymology: maitre d: master of a restaurant who is in charge of the overall dining experience of the customers + dread: fearful or distasteful anticipation + dreads: natural hairstyle found in Jamaica and other islands where the hair is twisted into long ropelike braids symbolizing religious spirituality and ethnic identity

Points: 647