Verboticism: Putridish

'Help! There's something in the fridge!'

DEFINITION: n., Mutated leftovers which, unattended inside an evil-minded fridge, have transformed themselves into an extremely odorous, alternate life form. v., To save food past it's freshness date and watch it grow into something new.

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: pyu-tre-dish

Sentence: Not prone to scientific queries, the closest Kimberly came to having an interest in science was wanting to know exactly how long she could wait to clean out her fridge. "Just, hypothetically, let's say I have a friend," she started "with several putridishes in her refrigerator. Will those contaminate other things in her refrigerator?" Zinnia, who had minored in botany, answered "It all depends on the cultures. I would worry about growing mycotoxins." This answer terrified Kimberly.

Etymology: Putrid (rotten, foul) + Dish (plate of food) Sounds like "Petri Dish"

Points: 890

Comments: Putridish

splendiction - 2010-04-21: 19:46:00
And, whenever I try a bad recipe I manage to create a putridish to save in the frige (out of guilt) and then eventually throw away - good word.