Verboticism: Helperskelper

DEFINITION: v., To clean up another person's mess, only to have all their garbage dumped right on top of you. n., A person who tries to help other people solve their problems but always ends up in deep doo-doo.
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: Hell-pers-Kell-per
Sentence: HelperSkellper, and we all fall down!
Etymology: Botch job of 1. Helper 2. Skupper and generally inspired by Helter Skelter...which is a catchy combination in a pop song a bit la la
Points: 692
Comments: Helperskelper
Nosila - 2010-04-27: 11:01:00
splendiction - 2010-04-27: 19:54:00
Wow this sounds familiar to me!
splendiction - 2010-04-27: 19:59:00
Know why it sounds familiar: check out the fifth word I made (helperskelpering)!