Verboticism: Loogiellution

DEFINITION: n. A pile of used and discarded tissues; may constitute a bio-hazard. v. To drop a used tissue on to the floor beside your bed or chair, because you are so sick you can barely move.
Created by: XMbIPb
Pronunciation: /lu-gi-lu-shen/
Sentence: Just dusted off my copy of Galen’s “Physiologia” to figure out the right body fluid to use for this challenge. You know, come up with something phlegmo-hemo-uro-bilious… but “phlegm” is already taken by another player. Then my gaze fell on the old Penguin Classics copy of Aristotle with his four elements… but nothing geo-hydro-pneumo-flammable came to mind. Oh well… I guess, “LOOGIELUTION” is the best I can offer at the moment. Too bad that by now I’m too drunk to use it in a coherent sentence… Sad.
Etymology: LOOGIE (n.) (fr. mod. Eng. slang) – snot, phlegm, sputum, booger, “lung cookie;” LUTION (n.; fr. Lat. lutum) – mud, filth (e.g. "pollution").
Points: 965