Verboticism: Pollynannasecond

'Look I found a pretty flower.'

DEFINITION: v. To see joy and beauty where others only see complications, trouble and weeds. n. A moment of delight which dissipates as soon as it is shared.

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: pah lee NAN ah sek und

Sentence: There was that moment, that brief wonderful Pollynannasecond, between the time she reached for the hundred-dollar-bill she found on the street and the moment she saw the truck bearing down upon her, in which she exclaimed into her cell phone to her friend, "Dreams really do come true, and tomorrow I'll finally be able to spend just a little money on a treat for myself!..."

Etymology: nanosecond + Pollyanna (a fictional girl who was unstoppably and, some say, insufferably cheerful and optimistic)

Points: 1163