Verboticism: Preproprep

'Why did you tell the cleaners to come so early?'

DEFINITION: n. Redundant and often clumsy preparations made before meeting with a "professional" -- like a hairdresser, dentist or cleaning lady. v. To prepare for a meeting with a professional by trying to hide the fact that you desperately need their services.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: prēprōprep

Sentence: Mitch has a very busy life. That’s why he regularly calls on professionals to handle some of the tasks that others usually handle themselves. The only problem with that is that he doesn’t want to let anybody know how messy he is, so he will preproprep before going to a carwash, hair dresser, or have a cleaning service in.

Etymology: pre (before) + pro (professional) + prep (make ready)

Points: 1067