Verboticism: Blotus

'Omigod! She's goosing me!'

DEFINITION: v. To gasp and go rigid with shock when someone unexpectedly hugs you. n. The gasping sound, and associated rigid body reaction, which a person who is "not comfortable with physical intimacy", emits when they are unexpectedly hugged.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: blo tus

Sentence: When the photo op presented itself for the first meeting between Queen Elizabeth 11 and Michelle Obama,at Buckingham Palace, after the G20 Conference, the Queen let out a blotus. When asked later how she felt after recovering from the encounter, Her Majesty said in her usual dead-pan manner, "We were touched!"

Etymology: Blow (gasp;forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth) & FLOTUS (acronym for First Lady Of The United States...used by her Secret Service detail and itinerary planners) Naturally her spouse is called POTUS, but that is a whole nother story...

Points: 1070