Verboticism: Iflip

'What was your name again?'

DEFINITION: v. To be so dependent on computers and other gadgets, that you cannot communicate or even think without them. n. A person who cannot communicate, or even think, without using an electronic device.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: īflip

Sentence: Chalk up another one to late-night marketing. Chuck fell for the come-on for the latest brain-boosting gadget, the iFlip. It promised to expedite the decision-making process. What it turned out to be was an electronic coin flipper, one simple button that activates a randomly-generated CGI coin image and a e-voice that calls out heads or tails. As silly as it sounds Chuck’s life has improved. Net result? A better-looking, smarter girlfriend and a higher-paying job. If only he could decide whether or not to buy the newest model.

Etymology: i (as in iPhone, iPad, iPod) + flip (turn over or cause to turn over with a sudden sharp movement)

Points: 1373